Kids Awesome

Kids Awesome (奧森兒童博物館) 

Although Kids Awesome is a privately owned indoor playground, they’ve really put in a lot of effort to make the space an adventurous and entertaining place for children to enjoy. 

When you enter the ground floor, you will find a café and a toddlers play space with basic amenities, a scarf suction tube, rocking horses and some books, not too much action. 

The true gems of Kids Awesome lies in their B1 level with all types of activities, there’s a 2 story tall climbing tower mimicking the Taipei 101, provided with helmets and instant video cameras for parents to track their child’s safety. There’s also a zip wire, a rocket launcher where you make your own paper rockets, a Rube Goldberg machine with plastic balls, and a farmers market where children can role play in. 

On the 2nd floor is the arts and craft area, where you can do graffiti on the glass or a large bear sculpture, as well as painting on easels or calligraphy class. Another fun thing to do on the 2nd floor is the bubble area, with multiple bubble machines that creates huge bubbles the size of a basketball. 

Kids Awesome is located right outside of the Da’an MRT station, with about a 30 second walk from the closest exit. 

Adult Admissions: $200 NTD (over 16 years old) 

Child Admissions: $800 NTD (3-16 years old) 

Toddler Admission: $300 NTD (6 months-3 years old) 

Business hours: 10AM–5PM, not open on Tuesday & Wednesday 


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